βš’οΈGuide: How to Launch a Minipool with Manual Setup

Step-by-step instructions for setting up a Minipool manually.

The manual setup is ideal for users who prefer a hands-on approach and have the technical know-how to configure and optimize their validator node according to their specific requirements.

The visuals for each setup below show how to create a Minipool on Fuji Testnet. The steps are the same as on Mainnet, but the AVAX and GGP requirements are different.

Use our faucet to get a test GGP and test GoGoPool on Fuji Testnet.

Creating Your Node

To use GoGoPool as a Minipool operator, and earn rewards on your staked GGP, you have to have an Avalanche node. To create a node, see the Official Avalanche guides. Once you have a Node ID, come back to GoGoPool to register as a validator.

How to Make a Minipool with Manual Setup

Step 1: Register a Node ID with GoGoPool

Enter your Node ID and select the duration. A longer duration is advisable since it allows your AVAX to compound over successive 15-day cycles, ensuring that your Minipool continues running seamlessly without the need to re-queue for each new cycle.

Step 2: Submit BLS Public Key

Enter your BLS public key and signature for verification. Further information about BLS keys, why they are needed, and how to access yours is here.

Step 3: Approve and Deposit GGP

Enter the GGP amount to deposit for staking. Although a minimum 10% collateralization ratio of GGP is enough, staking beyond 10% is advisable against price fluctuations and maximizes rewards.

An approval process is required for the GGP amount you want to stake to be transferred to the staking contract.

After the approval, initiate the staking transaction.

Step 4: Stake AVAX

Enter theAVAX amount to create your minipool. Currently, the amount of AVAX that must be deposited by the user to create a minipool on the mainnet is 1000 AVAX.

Step 5: Minipool Creation

Once you deposit AVAX, your Minipool is created! If there is no queue and sufficient AVAX is available in the liquid staking pool, your Minipool will be launched immediately.

To view the current AVAX balance in the liquid staking pool and the available minipool amount to launch, please visit our liquidity dashboard.

Step 6: View Your Minipool on the Dashboard

Head to the dashboard to view detailed information about your Minipool.

Need help? If you encounter any issues or have questions, our support team can assist you. Contact us via our Discord server or live chat.

Last updated