πŸ”Kudelski Security Audit

GoGoPool has been audited by Kudelski Security, a leader in tailored cybersecurity solutions for global enterprises and public sector institutions. Known for its innovative approach and rich heritage in cybersecurity, Kudelski Security has a vast portfolio of patents that underscore its commitment to addressing complex security challenges.

This audit ensures that GoGoPool meets the highest security standards, enhancing the safety and trust of our platform. The audit report can be found below. The original PDF version is also available at the link.

Audit of Threshold ECDSA

Multisig Labs

31 October 2022 Version: 1.

Presented by: Kudelski Security Research Team Kudelski Security - Nagravision SΓ rl

Corporate Headquarters Route de Genève, 22-24 1033 Cheseaux-sur-Lausanne Switzerland



Kudelski Security (β€œKudelski”, β€œwe”), the cybersecurity division of the Kudelski Group, was engaged by Multisig Labs (β€œthe Client”) to conduct an external security assessment in the form of a code audit of the cryptographic library ECDSA-CGGMP (β€œthe Product”). The assessment was conducted remotely by the Kudelski Security Team and coordinated by Sylvain Pelissier, Cryptography Expert, Antonio De La Piedra, Senior Cybersecurity Engineer and Nathan Hamiel, Senior Director of Research. The audit took place from August 25, 2022 to September 9, 2022 and invloved 10 person-days of work. The audit focused on the following objectives:

  • To provide a professional opinion on the maturity, adequacy, and efficiency of the software solution in exam.

  • To check compliance with existing standards.

  • To identify potential security or interoperability issues and include improvement recommendations based on the result of our analysis.

This report summarizes the analysis performed and findings. It also contains detailed descriptions of the discovered vulnerabilities and recommendations for remediation.

1.1 Engagement Scope

The scope of the audit was a code audit of the Product written in Go, with a particular attention to safe implementation protocols and potential for misuse and leakage of secrets. The target of the audit was the cryptographic code lo- cated in the sub-branches protocols/cmp/sign and protocols/cmp/keygen at https://github.com/multisig-labs/multi-party-sig. We audited the commit number: 1c20cbbca313a5bbbdbeae497144294658257100. Particular attention was given to side-channel attacks, in particular constant timeness and secure erasure of secret data from memory. The Cryptography primitives implementation and identifiable abort protocols were not in the scope. Denial of Service attack vectors were not considered by the client.

1.2 Engagement Analysis

The engagement consisted of a ramp-up phase where the necessary documentation about the technological standards and design of the solution in exam was acquired, followed by a manual inspection of the code provided by the Client and the drafting of this report.

As a result of our work, we have identified 1 High, 4 Medium, 2 Low and 7 Informational findings.

1.3 Issue Summary List

The following security issues were found:

The following are observations related to general design and improvements:


This section contains the technical details of our findings as well as recommendations for mitigation.

2.1 KS-SBCF-F-01: ECDSA signature can be forged for every messages.

Severity: High

Status: Remediated

Location: protocols/cmp/sign/round5.go:154


The signature(π’ͺ,0) is a valid signature for all the message and all the public keys. The problem comes from insufficient check on input values and also that the Invert function from Scalar interface return the value 0 when the input value is non invertible. In addition, the point at infinity π’ͺ of the curve is represented as (0,0) in affine coordinates. Here is a proof of concept:

func TestSignature_Verify_Zero(t *testing.T) {
    group := curve.Secp256k1{}
    m := []byte("any message is valid")
    x := sample.Scalar(rand.Reader, group)
    X := x.ActOnBase()
    // s = 0
    s := group.NewScalar()
    assert.Equal(t, true, s.IsZero())
    R := s.ActOnBase()
    sig := &Signature{
        R: R,
        S: s,
    if !sig.Verify(X, m) {
        t.Error("verify failed")

This means anyone is able to forge ECDSA signature for this protocol if the function Verify is used to verify the signature. This attack was previously described for Java language as Psychic signature [4].


For an ECDSA signature (𝑅,𝑠), verify that𝑠is an integer in range [1,π‘žβˆ’1] and then that 𝑅 is a point on the curve and not the point at infinity. From a general point of view a value should be checked to be invertible before calling the the Invert function.


In commit 871e651eb436ab1b6c59e4415f793374d4504eb3 the Client added the following modifications to the Verify function:

r := sig.R.XScalar()
if r.IsZero() || sig.S.IsZero() {
return false
// TODO Do we also need to check for R or S > the group modulus?

The function XScalar call returns a value which is normalized (https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/de- cred/dcrd/dcrec/secp256k1/v4#FieldVal) thus, it should be less than the modulus. Then the TODO comment could be removed but a test should be added to ensure this behavior.

2.2 KS-SBCF-F-02: Missing proof in round 3 of key generation

Severity: Medium

Status: Remediated

Location: protocols/cmp/keygen/round3.go, Taurus specification.


Also, if the other parties could recover her Paillier private key and all the shares of the affected party are sent to the broadcast channel, they could be decrypted by other parties, thus having access to one share of the secret. This would be equivalent to compromise the affected party and steal his share of the secret key.


We recommend to not deviate from protocol specifications.


The Client added the missing proof in the commit 7cb2349656789af9a77f5152b7a74dcf9210add which include deviations in comparison to the paper of Canetti et al.

2.3 KS-SBCF-F-03: Zero-knowledge proofs are replayable

Severity: Medium

Status: Acknowledged

Location: pkg/zk/


The zero-knowledge proofs utilized in the MPC protocol are replayable: the challenge only contains the parameters that are part of the Fiat-Shamir transformation and protocol parameter like party identifier, threshold value, ... For instance, the Schnorr proof (sch) implemented at zk/sch.go computes the challenge as:

func challenge(hash *hash.Hash, group curve.Curve, commitment
    *Commitment, public, gen curve.Point) (e curve.Scalar, err
    error) {
    err = hash.WriteAny(commitment.C, public, gen)
    e = sample.Scalar(hash.Digest(), group)

Another example is the prm proof, where the challenge is computed as:

func challenge(hash *hash.Hash, public Public, A
    [params.StatParam]*big.Int) (es []bool, err error) {
    err = hash.WriteAny(public.N, public.S, public.T)
    for _, a := range A {
        _ = hash.WriteAny(a)

    tmpBytes := make([]byte, params.StatParam)
    _, _ = io.ReadFull(hash.Digest(), tmpBytes)

    es = make([]bool, params.StatParam)
    for i := range es {
        b := (tmpBytes[i] & 1) == 1
        es[i] = b


According to RFC 8235 [3]:

Finally, when a security protocol relies on the Schnorr NIZK proof
for proving the knowledge of a discrete logarithm in a non-
interactive way, the threat of replay attacks shall be considered.
For example, the Schnorr NIZK proof might be replayed back to the
prover itself (to introduce some undesirable correlation between
items in a cryptographic protocol). This particular attack is prevented
by the inclusion of the unique UserID in the hash. The verifier shall 
check the prover's UserID is a valid identity and is different from its own.
Depending on the context of specific protocols, other forms of replay attacks 
should be considered, and appropriate contextual information 
included in OtherInfo whenever necessary.


We recommend the client to include an unique identifier in each proof. Moreover, to ensure that replays are not possible during several executions of the protocol a counter or a nonce must be included in the challenge computation.


According to the client, the issue is mitigated by the application that generates a unique session ID for each execution of the protocol (Issue #10).

2.4 KS-SBCF-F-04: Possible nil dereference in key generation

Severity: Medium

Status: Remediated

Location: protocols/cmp/keygen/round3.go:60


The method StoreBroadcastMessage checks that every parameter in the broadcast3 structure is not nil:

    // check nil
    if body.N == nil || body.S == nil || body.T == nil ||
        body.VSSPolynomial == nil {
        return round.ErrNilFields
    // check RID length
    if err := body.RID.Validate(); err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("rid: %w", err)
    if err := body.C.Validate(); err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("chainkey: %w", err)
    // check decommitment
    if err := body.Decommitment.Validate(); err != nil {
        return err

However, the body.SchnorrCommitments parameter is not validated. If this parameter is set to nil, the following panic happens:

panic: value method github.com/taurusgroup/multi-party-
sig/pkg/zk/sch.Commitment.Domain called using nil *Commitment

goroutine 12 [running]:
github.com/taurusgroup/multi-party-sig/pkg/zk/sch. ( *Commitment) βŒ‹
    .Domain ( 0xc000362008?)
    <autogenerated>:1 +0x


We recommend the client to validate that every received parameter is not nil.


This issue was corrected by commit 189f06564c48f257c4efa6f7fed6dca9e5672afb.

2.5 KS-SBCF-F-05: Collisions in hash function used for commitments

Severity: Medium

Status: Remediated

Location: protocols/cmp/keygen/round3.go:154


The hash function WriteAny does not build domain separation properly and collisions can be easily built. It can allow to make a honest participant looks culprit during the key generation. The following test is a proof of concept code:

func TestHash_WriteAny_Collision(t *testing.T) {
    var err error
    testFunc := func(vs ...interface{}) ([]byte, error) {
        h := New()
        for _, v := range vs {
            err = h.WriteAny(v)
            if err != nil {
                return nil, err
        return h.Sum(), nil
    b1 := []byte("1)(big.Int\x02*data_added*")
    b2 := []byte("3")
    n2 := new(big.Int)
    n2.SetString(hex.EncodeToString(b2), 16)
    h1, err := testFunc(b1, n2)
    assert.NoError(t, err)

    b1 = []byte("1")
    b2 = []byte("*data_added*)(big.Int\x023")
    n2 = new(big.Int)
    n2.SetString(hex.EncodeToString(b2), 16)
    h2, err := testFunc(b1, n2)
    assert.NoError(t, err)
    assert.Equal(t, h1, h2)


Use a hash function with proper domain separation and add the previous test in the test set.


2.6 KS-SBCF-F-06: Dependency with vulnerability in codebase

Severity: Low

Status: Acknowledged

Location: General


The golang-x-text dependency (pkg:golang/golang.org/x/text@v0.3.3) is affected by an Out-of-bounds problem as described by CVE-2021-38561 in https://ossindex.sonatype.org/vulnerability/CVE-2021-38561?component-type=golang&component-name=golang.org.


We recommend the client to updated the dependency.

Status details

The client acknowledge the finding and will fix the issued (https://github.com/multisig- labs/multi-party-sig/issues/14).

2.7 KS-SBCF-F-07: SID is constant by default

Severity: Low

Status: Acknowledged

Location: code/protocols/cmp/keygen/keygen.go:19


By default, the session identifier depends on the curve group name, the party identifiers and the threshold. Thus, for two different sessions with the same threshold, the session identifier stays constants even though the code comments of the NewSession function says:

// NewSession creates a new *Helper which can be embedded in the first Round,
// so that the full struct implements Session.
// `sessionID` is an optional byte slice that can be provided by the user.
// When used, it should be unique for each execution of the protocol.
// It could be a simple counter which is incremented after execution, or a common random string.
// `auxInfo` is a variable list of objects which should be included in the session's hash state.
func NewSession(info Info, sessionID []byte, pl *pool.Pool,
    auxInfo ...hash.WriterToWithDomain) (*Helper, error) {


We recommend to ensure the sessionID value is unique per protocol execution.

Status details

According to the client, the issue is mitigated by the application that uses this library which generates a unique session ID for each execution of the protocol.


This section contains additional observations that are not directly related to the security of the code, and as such have no severity rating or remediation status summary. These observations are either minor remarks regarding good practice or design choices or related to implementation and performance. These items do not need to be remediated for what concerns security, but where applicable we include recommendations.

3.1 KS-SBCF-O-01: Missing security policy

Location: .


Currently there is no instructions for how to report a security vulnerability regarding the repository nor security contacts.


Create a SECURITY.md file in the root directory with all the necessary information. See for example: https://docs.github.com/en/code-security/getting-started/adding-a- security-policy-to-your-repository


The client will fix the problem.

3.2 KS-SBCF-O-02: Wrong test error message

Location: protocols/cmp/sign/sign_test.go:55


Taproot is mentioned in CMP tests:

for _, r := range rounds {
        require.IsType(t, &round.Output{}, r, "expected result
        resultRound := r.(*round.Output)
        require.IsType(t, &ecdsa.Signature{}, resultRound.Result,
    "expected taproot signature result")
        signature := resultRound.Result.(*ecdsa.Signature)
        assert.True(t, signature.Verify(publicPoint,
    messageHash), "expected valid signature")


The messages should indicate ECDSA signature.


The client will fix the problem.

3.3 KS-SBCF-O-03: Unnecessary large commitments broadcasted

Location: code/protocols/cmp/keygen/round1.go:92



Commitment length should be reduced.


For the application, the additional bandwidth of 32 bytes does not matter for the client.

3.4 KS-SBCF-O-04: Key generation and signing test suites fail with data race detector enabled

Location: src/internal/test/round.go lines 40 and 55, src/protocols/cmp/keygen/key- gen_test.go, src/protocols/cmp/sign/sign_test.go


When running go test -race -run for the tests: TestKeygen,TestRefresh in keygen_test.go and TestRound in sign_test.go, we obtain:

Write at 0x00c000113110 by goroutine 25:
        internal/test/round.go:55 +0x1eb

Previous write at 0x00c000113110 by goroutine 24:
        internal/test/round.go:55 +0x1eb

Goroutine 25 (running) created at:

        internal/test/round.go:40 +0x24b
        protocols/cmp/keygen/keygen_test.go:80 +0x144
        /usr/lib/go-1.18/src/testing/testing.go:1439 +0x213
        /usr/lib/go-1.18/src/testing/testing.go:1486 +0x47
--- FAIL: TestKeygen (20.49s)
    testing.go:1312: race detected during execution of test

This dead race happens due to the testing subsystem of Taurus, defined in internal/test. More precisely, in the line 55 of the Rounds function:

    // get the second set of messages
    for id := range rounds {
        idx := id
        r := rounds[idx]
        errGroup.Go( func () error {
            var rNew, rNewReal round.Session
            if rule != nil {
                rReal := getRound(r)
                outFake := make( chan *round.Message, N+1)
                rNew, err = r.Finalize(outFake)
                rNewReal = getRound(rNew)
                for msg := range outFake {
                    rule.ModifyContent(rNewReal, msg.To,
                    out <- msg
        } else {
            rNew, err = r.Finalize(out)

where rNew is updated:

        } else {
rNew, err = r.Finalize(out)


The finding will be investigate in the future by the client.

3.5 KS-SBCF-O-05: Shares are not protected

Location: src/protocols/cmp/sign and src/protocols/cmp/keygen


Generated shares after key generation are not protected. We recommend the client to encrypt and authenticated those after key generation and validate their authenticity prior to signing.


The client considered this observation not in scope for the library and it must be addressed at application level.

3.6 KS-SBCF-O-06: Taurus implementation does not provide an authenticated communication channel

Location: General


The work of Canetti et al. [2] requires a an authenticated and synchronous broadcast mechanism for communication (see p. 6, Communication model).

We recommend the client to consider the warnings described in the paper when not using a synchronous broadcast mechanism:

We note that the use of authenticated communication is in fact essential for obtaining proactive security. Indeed, without already-established authenticated communication, an adversary that formally β€œleft” a previously corrupted party and controls all the communication between the party and the rest of the network can continue impersonating that party indefinitely [15]. Furthermore, the use of a synchronous broadcast mechanism is essential for accountability: Accountability by definition requires consensus, and without bounded communication delay it is impossible to hold a signatory accountable for not responding.

Finally, we stress the importance of providing authentication and authenticity to the communication channel that the client relies on.


The client considered this observation not in scope for the library and it must be addressed at application level.

3.7 KS-SBCF-O-07: Taurus specification document generates lambda and r parameters in keygen Round 1 from incorrect groups

Location: https://github.com/taurusgroup/multi-party-sig/blob/main/docs/Threshold.pdf


Taurus provides performs the key generation and refresh/auxiliary parameter generation at the same time in their implementation, which is specified [1].

We encourage the client to analyze if the implementation follows the document of Taurus (which is not part of the scope of this audit), hence contradicting the paper of Canetti et al [2].


Kudelski Security is an innovative, independent Swiss provider of tailored cyber and media security solutions to enterprises and public sector institutions. Our team of security experts delivers end-to-end consulting, technology, managed services, and threat intelligence to help organizations build and run successful security programs. Our global reach and cyber solutions focus is reinforced by key international partnerships.

Kudelski Security is a division of Kudelski Group. For more information, please visit https://www.kudelskisecurity.com.

Kudelski Security Route de Genève, 22-24 1033 Cheseaux-sur-Lausanne Switzerland

Kudelski Security 5090 North 40th Street Suite 450 Phoenix, Arizona 85018

This report and its content is copyright (c) Nagravision SΓ rl, all rights reserved.


For this engagement, Kudelski used a methodology that is described at high-level in this section. This is broken up into the following phases.

5.1 Kickoff

The project was kicked off when all of the sales activities had been concluded. We set up a kickoff meeting where project stakeholders were gathered to discuss the project as well as the responsibilities of participants. During this meeting we verified the scope of the engagement and discussed the project activities. It was an opportunity for both sides to ask questions and get to know each other. By the end of the kickoff there was an understanding of the following:

  • Designated points of contact

  • Communication methods and frequency

  • Shared documentation

  • Code and/or any other artifacts necessary for project success

  • Follow-up meeting schedule, such as a technical walkthrough

  • Understanding of timeline and duration

5.2 Ramp-up

Ramp-up consisted of the activities necessary to gain proficiency on the particular project. This included the steps needed for gaining familiarity with the codebase and technological innovations utilized, such as:

  • Reviewing previous work in the area including academic papers

  • Reviewing programming language constructs for the languages used in the code

  • Researching common flaws and recent technological advancements

5.3 Review

The review phase is where a majority of the work on the engagement was performed. In this phase we analyzed the project for flaws and issues that could impact the security posture. This included an analysis of the architecture, a review of the code, and a specification matching to match the architecture to the implemented code. In this code audit, we performed the following tasks:

  1. Security analysis and architecture review of the original protocol

  2. Review of the code written for the project

  3. Assessment of the cryptographic primitives used

  4. Compliance of the code with the provided technical documentation The review for this project was performed using manual methods and utilizing the experience of the reviewer. No dynamic testing was performed, only the use of custom- built scripts and tools were used to assist the reviewer during the testing. We discuss our methodology in more detail in the following subsections.

Code Safety

We analyzed the provided code, checking for issues related to the following categories:

  • General code safety and susceptibility to known issues

  • Poor coding practices and unsafe behavior

  • Leakage of secrets or other sensitive data through memory mismanagement

  • Susceptibility to misuse and system errors

  • Error management and logging This is a general and not comprehensive list, meant only to give an understanding of the issues we have been looking for.


We analyzed the cryptographic primitives and components as well as their implementa- tion. We checked in particular:

  • Matching of the proper cryptographic primitives to the desired cryptographic functionality needed

  • Security level of cryptographic primitives and their respective parameters (key lengths, etc.)

  • Safety of the randomness generation in general as well as in the case of failure

  • Safety of key management

  • Assessment of proper security definitions and compliance to use cases

  • Checking for known vulnerabilities in the primitives used

Technical Specification Matching

We analyzed the provided documentation and checked that the code matches the specification. We checked for things such as:

  • Proper implementation of the documented protocol phases

  • Proper error handling

  • Adherence to the protocol logical description

5.4 Reporting

Kudelski delivered to the Client a preliminary report in PDF format that contained an executive summary, technical details, and observations about the project, which is also the general structure of the current final report. The executive summary contains an overview of the engagement, including the number of findings as well as a statement about our general risk assessment of the project as a whole. In the report we not only point out security issues identified but also informational findings for improvement categorized into several buckets:

  • High

  • Medium

  • Low

  • Informational

The technical details are aimed more at developers, describing the issues, the severity ranking and recommendations for mitigation.

As we performed the audit, we also identified issues that are not security related, but are general best practices and steps, that can be taken to lower the attack surface of the project.

As an optional step, we can agree on the creation of a public report that can be shared and distributed with a larger audience.

5.5 Verify

After the preliminary findings have been delivered, we verified the fixes applied by the Client. After these fixes were verified, we updated the status of the finding in the report.

The output of this phase was the current, final report with any mitigated findings noted.

5.6 Additional Note

It is important to notice that, although we did our best in our analysis, no code audit assessment is per se guarantee of absence of vulnerabilities. Our effort was constrained by resource and time limits, along with the scope of the agreement.

In assessing the severity of some of the findings we identified, we kept in mind both the ease of exploitability and the potential damage caused by an exploit. Since this is a library, we ranked some of these vulnerabilities potentially higher than usual, as we expect the code to be reused across different applications with different input sanitization and parameters.

Correct memory management is left to Go and was therefore not in scope. Zeroization of secret values from memory is also not enforceable at a low level in a language such as Go.

While assessment the severity of the findings, we considered the impact, ease of ex- ploitability, and the probability of attack. This is a solid baseline for severity deter- mination. Information about the severity ratings can be found in Appendix C of this document.


Kudelski Security uses a custom approach when determining criticality of identified issues. This is meant to be simple and fast, providing customers with a quick at a glance view of the risk an issue poses to the system. As with anything risk related, these findings are situational. We consider multiple factors when assigning a severity level to an identified vulnerability. A few of these include:

  • Impact of exploitation

  • Ease of exploitation

  • Likelihood of attack

  • Exposure of attack surface

  • Number of instances of identified vulnerability

  • Availability of tools and exploits


[1] J. P. Aumasson, A Hamelink, and L Meier. 2021. Adaptations from CGGMP21. Retrieved from https://raw.githubusercontent.com/multisig-labs/multi-party- sig/main/docs/Threshold.pdf

[2] Ran Canetti, Rosario Gennaro, Steven Goldfeder, Nikolaos Makriyannis, and Udi Peled. 2020. UC non-interactive, proactive, threshold ECDSA with identifiable aborts. In Proceedings of the 2020 ACM SIGSAC conference on computer and com- munications security (CCS ’20), Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 1769–1787. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.1145/3372297.3423367

[3] Feng Hao. 2017. Schnorr Non-interactive Zero-Knowledge Proof. DOI:https://doi.org/10.17487/RFC8235

[4] Neil Madden. 2022. CVE-2022-21449: Psychic signatures in java. Retrieved from https://neilmadden.blog/2022/04/19/psychic-signatures-in-java/

Β© 2022 Nagravision SΓ rl / All rights reserved. For public release

Last updated