Manual Setup

To test GoGoPool on Fuji, use our faucet to get test GGP.

The visuals for each setup below show how to create a Minipool on Fuji. The steps are the same as on Mainnet, but the AVAX and GGP requirements are different.

Creating a Fuji or Mainnet node

To use GoGoPool as a node operator, and earn rewards on your staked GGP, you have to have an Avalanche node. To create a node, see the Official Avalanche guides. Once you have a NodeId, come back to GoGoPool to register as a validator.

How to make a Minipool with Manual Setup

Step 1: Register a NodeId with GoGoPool

Step 2: Submit BLS Public Key

Enter your BLS public key and signature for verification. Further information about BLS keys, why they are needed, and how to access yours is here.

Step 3: Approve and Deposit GGP

Your wallet provider will prompt you to approve and transfer GGP

Step 4: Stake AVAX

Your wallet provider will prompt you to transfer AVAX

Step 5: Minipool created!

Once you deposit AVAX, your Minipool is created! You can use the hash to see the transaction on your block explorer of choice.

Step 6: View the new Minipool on your dashboard

Last updated